We laid my father-in-law to rest yesterday. The funeral service was very nice. There were so many nice things said about him and each person who remembered him remembered the strong stand he took for God while he was alive. My pastor stopped me and told me that it was awesome to be remembered that way. He said he hoped that people said those things about him when he passed. Then I started thinking…what will people say about me? What kind of impact have I had on people? What kind of impression had I made on people’s lives? I quickly recalled the song by Nicole Nordeman:
How will they remember me? Did I choose to
not well read, not well-to-do or well bred Just want to hear instead, "Well done" good and faithful one…”
I hope that people will remember the good that I’ve done after I'm gone. I hope they remember me for being caring, giving, loving….a mother, a sister, a friend, a wife, and above all else a Christian.
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