The one thing that I'm the most guilty of is worrying. I have such a hard time letting go of things and not worrying about them. I know that God will take care of everything for me. I know that He will "supply all my needs" and I have faith that He will. I just can't let go sometimes. My devotional today talked about worrying. The analogy used was that worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair...it gives you something to do but doesn't really get you anywhere! I had such a "V-8 moment" when I read that! How much less would my stress level be if I could just grasp onto that concept. I get so stressed out about things that I'm popping tums like candy and my eye will start twitching and I break out...I mean, seriously?! How attractive is that?? If I know that's what will happen when i do worry and do stress, then what they hey? Why do I? My prayer this week is that I won't worry...Paul's not working and the finances are a little pinched, but I'm letting go. I will cling to the promise He made me in Exodus 33:22-"I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand..." How can I possibly worry about anything when God covers me with His hand? How awesome to know that He will protect me and all I have to do is just let go!
I hope and pray that Paul finds something soon. But more than that, I pray that this next role is the right one for him. I was amazed at how the Lord provided the right role that was just for me. After being out of work for 6 months, I remember thinking "You know Lord, any job will do!" but He had much better things in mind for me. And I'm extremely grateful for that. It also took our faith in the Lord to a different level. It stretched and grew us in ways we couldn't have anticipated. You hang in there and keep working on giving your burden and worry over to the Lord. He will take it if you let him. :)
ReplyDeleteLove you, mean it!