The one thing that I'm the most guilty of is worrying. I have such a hard time letting go of things and not worrying about them. I know that God will take care of everything for me. I know that He will "supply all my needs" and I have faith that He will. I just can't let go sometimes. My devotional today talked about worrying. The analogy used was that worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair...it gives you something to do but doesn't really get you anywhere! I had such a "V-8 moment" when I read that! How much less would my stress level be if I could just grasp onto that concept. I get so stressed out about things that I'm popping tums like candy and my eye will start twitching and I break out...I mean, seriously?! How attractive is that?? If I know that's what will happen when i do worry and do stress, then what they hey? Why do I? My prayer this week is that I won't worry...Paul's not working and the finances are a little pinched, but I'm letting go. I will cling to the promise He made me in Exodus 33:22-"I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand..." How can I possibly worry about anything when God covers me with His hand? How awesome to know that He will protect me and all I have to do is just let go!